Terms And Conditions

A very warm welcome to Rent By Host, a service meant for the accommodations of tourists in Florida, Caribbean, Central America, Canada, Europe, and Mexico. By giving your consent to the following terms and conditions, you agree to follow them. Moreover, you should go through these terms and conditions with rapt attention and get in touch with us if you have any queries. If you do not consent to abide by these terms and conditions, you should not follow them, nor should you use our services. To abide by these agreements and use our services, you should be legally adult as per your applicable conditions or other jurisdiction and do legal contracts. Remember that no one below the age of eighteen years is permitted to use our services.

We, at Rent By Host, keeping updated and revising these terms and conditions every now and then. If you are our registered client, we will feel delighted to keep you in abreast with our latest terms and conditions by sending you notifications through email address you have provided us in your registration information.

Obligations of Owners and Renters

What We Do: We, at Rent By Host, proffers a platform for vacation rental property managers or owners for the advertisement of their vacation rental properties to potential renters to get an appropriate vacation rental property.

What We Don’t Do: We, at Rent By Host, do not take part in any business transactions carried out between renters and owners. We also do not guarantee or verify the accuracy or truth of any information given by any owner regarding the existence, authenticity, availability, quality, or sufficiency of any property listed on the service. We do not and cannot guarantee that transactions made between renters and owners will be completed. We do not manage or own any property advertised on the service. We are not the agent of any renter or owner for any purpose, and are not a party to any agreement between any renter and owner. We are not under any obligation to screen, review or investigate the background of any renter or owner.

Obligations of Owners and Renters

Dealings between renters and owners, and any other warranties, representations, conditions, or terms associated with such dealings, are between such renters and owners exclusively and do not involve any Rent By Host. It is the discretion of each renter and owner to make whatever investigation they can and take precautions whatever they may consider appropriate or necessary prior to transactions and interactions with renters or owners, whether personally or online. So, you will be using the services as per your discretion and risk.

Being an owner, it is your duty and obligation to accurately and truthfully explain all the rental properties you want to advertise through the service, and carry out all the transactions, and meet all the obligations. You need to acknowledge and agree that you failing to meet such obligations may be subjected to any legal action by a renter, and the termination or suspension of your access to the service.

Renters and owners are fully responsible for abiding by all the applicable laws and regulations, applicable to their use of the service or any transaction they may get into including laws and regulations in regards to reporting, collection, zoning and permitting, payment of taxes, accessibility, safety, fair housing and discrimination.

Registration and Subscriptions

In order to be registered to use our services, you are required to provide information including your name, contact number, and email address. Once you are registered, you clarify and warrant that you tend to abide by our eligibility criteria, and you have the authority, right and tendency to get into and carry out your obligations as per our terms and conditions.

You shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your username and password that you have chosen at the time of registration process, and for all your activities associated with your account. Under no condition, Rent By Host or its affiliates, agents, employees, directors or directors have any liability for any such activity which may take place under your account. You should inform Rent By Host immediately if you have any suspicion regarding any illegal or unauthorized use or access of your account.

Latest subscription fees are given on the Rent By Host website. You are allowed to cancel your advertisement or any subscription at any time. Please take not that the subscription fees are billed yearly in advance on a per-advertisement basis, and Rent By Host will in no case refund any subscription fee.

License to Use

Rent By Host grants you a limited, non-exclusive, and revocable license to use the service as per terms and conditions of this agreement. Any attempt to use or any use, the service except for the purposes explicitly explained on the Service, is expressly and strictly prohibited.

You are not allowed to use the services in any way or manner for any purpose that infringes any applicable regulation or law or any term of this agreement. Also, you are not allowed to do the following activities:

  • access any account that you are disallowed to access
  • attempt or modify to change the services in any form or manner
  • create, distribute or copy any derivative works, based on the Rent By Host Content, as explained below
  • impair the service or use or enjoyment of the service of any other person, including but not limited to, by burdening or trespassing network capacity
  • resell, sell, sublicense or otherwise convey the service, the Rent By Host content, or any elements thereof

Acceptable Content Policy

We, at Rent By Host are not obliged to revise, review and eliminate any content of the advertisement or any advertisement, at our discretion. We hold the right to review or eliminate any advertisement, including owner content, which we deem unacceptable as per our discretion, including but not limited to owner content which is as follows:

  • Offensive, obscene, pornographic or illegal
  • Causes defamation
  • Infringes the right, including copyright rights of any third party
  • Includes unauthorized telephone number, email address or any link to third party services or websites

Proprietary Rights

Rent By Host Content

The Service and all the elements associated with it are regulated by Rent By Host, and may remain protected by trademark, copyright, trade secret, patent, or/and other laws. Rent By Host reserves all rights, all rights, including the worldwide copyright, in all elements of the service exclusively and solely, for the duration of the rights in all languages, each country and also right through the universe.

Rent By Host and its logo are registered trademarks. All other trademarks used on Rent By Host are the property of their respective holders. The use of product names, company names and images or logos on the Service does not necessarily include an endorsement of the products by Rent By Host or the name company.

Owner Content

Rent By Host does not claim any rights or ownership, including copyright rights to any content owners post to or through the Service regarding advertisement of rental properties, including but not limited to images, photographs, text and videos.

You reserve those rights that you own to owner content. You represent and warrant that you own or otherwise take control of all those rights, including copyrights, to such Owner Content, and that the use and display of the Owner Content on the Service by Rent By Host will not violate the rights, including copyright rights, of any third party.

By posting Owner Content to the Service, you give Rent By Host and its affiliates a worldwide non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, distribute, adapt, modify, creative derivatives works from, public perform and display any medium or format the owner content on and through the Service. This license includes the right of Rent By Host to sublicense the rights you give to us to third parties, including but not confined to affiliates, whom we have engaged or contracted to promote and market the Service.

Copyright Policy

Rent By Host does not condone the unauthorized distribution or reproduction of copyrighted content. If you think that your work has been distributed or reproduced in a way that constitutes copyright violation or are aware of any violating material available through the Service, you are requested to provide us a written notice, including the following information:

  • Your name, telephone number, address, and email address
  • A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been violated
  • The description or URLs of where on the Service that material you claim is violating is located
  • A statement written by you that you have a good belief that the usage of the copyrighted work is unauthorized by the copyright owner, the law or its agent
  • A statement made by you under the penalty of perjury that the information mentioned in your notice board is right, and that you are the genuine copyright owner or authorized to act on the behalf of copyright owner
  • A physical or electronic signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest

You are supposed to send your notice to our agent for notices of claimed copyright violation as follows:

Email: support@rentbyhost.com


Privacy holds as much importance to us as it does for you. To know about how we give protection to your privacy, please go through the Rent By Host privacy policy which is included herein by reference.

Disclaimer of Warranties

The service, including all information and content made available through the service, is provided on an “as it is” basis. As permitted by law, Rent By Host does not represent or warranty any kind of information provided through the service. It expressly disclaimed all the warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitations, the implied warranties of fitness and merchantability for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement, any implied warranty arising out of any usage or dealing of trade.

Rent By Host fails to represent or warrant that the services will fulfil your requirements or that it will always be accessible, available, uninterrupted, security, timeliness, or operation without any errors.

Rent By Host fails to represent or warrant that the information shown on the service will be as shown by owners, available for rental, safe to rent, lawful to rent, or that renters or owner will carry out their obligations as promised.

Rent By Host fails to make any representations or warranties in regard to any obligations, right, liability, claim, or remedy in tort, whether or not coming from the laxity of Rent By Host to the full extent permissible under applicable law. It does not claim any such warranty.

Limitations of Liability

In no condition, Rent By Host, its agents, employees, directors, officers or affiliates will be liable for any sort of damage caused therein, including without limitations consequential damages, arising out of or in regard to the service. Any violation of the terms and conditions of this agreement by any third party, or any content owner, or any other damage resulting from any attempted or actual transaction carried out between renters and owners or disability to use the service, or even if we have been notified of the chances of such damages.

Rent By Host is not involved in any transaction between renters and owners. However, if a dispute arises between a renter and owner, the owner and renter each release Rent By Host, its agents, employees, directors and officers from all damages, demands, claims of every nature and kind, familiar and unfamiliar, doubtful and doubtless, disclosed and undisclosed, arising in any way in regard to such disputes.

Your exclusive and sole remedy against us for any claim or dispute with or against us or another user of the service in regards to these terms and conditions or the service is to discontinue using the site. In all these cases, Rent By Host’s liabilities to any third party or you in any circumstances arising out of or in regard to the service is confined to the higher of amount of fees you have paid to Rent By Host in the twelve months prior to the action giving rise to liability or $100.00 in the aggregate for all claims.


You consent to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Rent By Host, its agents, employees, directors and officers from and against all claims, costs, losses, damages, liabilities, judgments, damages, interest, penalties, expenses and interest in regard to any claim that arise out of or is related to any alleged or actual violation of your obligations, warranties, representations set forth in this Agreement; any transaction done by you as a renter or owner; any alleged or actual infringement of any intellectual property or proprietary rights of any third party; any untruthful or inaccurate information provided by you or made available through the Service. “Claim” means any inquiry, investigation, audit, action, claim or other proceeding constituted by an entity or person.


Rent By Host, as per its sole discretion, can terminate your service subscription, agreement, or any property advertisement for any reason whatsoever without any prior notice. Your license of rights to Rent By Host, limitation of liability, the disclaimer of warranties, general conditions and indemnification section of this agreement shall have such termination.

General Conditions

Our unsuccessful attempts to enforce or exercise any provision or right of this agreement will not constitute a waiver of such provision or right. This agreement includes the whole agreement between us and you and governs your use of this service, taking the place of any prior agreements. This agreement shall be construed and governed as per the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, regardless of the conflict of law principles thereof. If any part of this agreement is held unenforceable or invalid, that portion will be considered compatible with applicable law. It will have genuine intentions of the parties, and the remaining part will come into effect.

If any queries or concerns regarding this agreement, feel free to get in touch with us. We will be extremely delighted to help you.

Last Updated : March 15, 2020

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